Staying fashionable has become more important than ever. And thanks to the popularity of celebrities and Hollywood, women are expected to be trendy and stylish. It is not easy to stay stylish, but you can find some easy ways to stay fashionable in this article.

Key Tips
Keep a Clothes Container. A container can serve as a place to store clothes that are not used often. If you store your clothes in a small container, you can keep them in a spot where they are out of the way. They will not be damaged and your closet will look neat and clean.
Keep a Small Space Organised. Sometimes, the best way to keep your closet organised is to make a roomier closet. You can cut the size of the space that you use for clothing by using shoe hangers and fold up clothes in a box or other object. You can also use these things as footstools in your room for easy access.
Keep Shirts Clean. Be sure to wash your clothes at least once a week. Wear them outside and put them in the dryer on a low setting if you can. This will prolong the life of your clothes.
Wash Clothes Once a Month. It is best to wash your clothes only when it is necessary. Check them for wrinkles or stains before you need to wear them. Washing is also a good time to change colors of your clothes.
Hang T-Shirts. After a day’s activity, hang them for a few hours in the sun. Hang skirts and blouses to dry them if possible. Dry them with a dryer set on low. To avoid wrinkling, do not over-dry your clothes. Hang Flannels. Store your flannels or linen-type clothes inside an airtight container. Hang your flannels outside and put them in the dryer on a low setting. The dryer is the best way to remove the wrinkles and mildew on your flannels.
Hanging Clothes. Try hanging your clothes in the sun and then wear them until they are warm and ready to wear. You can also put your clothes on a hanger in a closet to air them out. Hanging them out on a hanger in the room helps you find your clothes when you need them.

Staying Organised
Use Clothes Dryers instead of Washing Clothes. Washing clothes does not always work to prevent wrinkles. But it is necessary to have clothes to wear for comfort. Before you take them out of the dryer, dust them with a hairdryer or blow dryer on high.
Make a Plan for Clothes Storage. Determine how much clothes you can afford to purchase in a month. If you have many dresses or suits to buy, store them in a closet that is narrow and clean. You can also make a plan of the clothes that you would like to buy for the coming year.
Keep your Clothes Clean. You can keep your clothes smelling nice by using dry cleaning chemicals and put them in an air tight container to prevent dampness. You can also put on a little perfume or Cologne to smell good every time you wear them.
Keep your Clothes in a Humid Free Zone. When it gets humid outside, keep your clothes in a closet in an air tight container. This will help you stay cool, and it will keep your clothes smelling fresh.